In the world of film, where genres blend and boundaries blur, there exists a delightfully peculiar niche that marries the...
The are two constants in this world, states Isaac Ezban’s quirky coming-of-age-in-a-zombie-apocalypse film Párvulos– family, and change. Forced to rely on each...
In the sprawling universe of zombie cinema, where the undead reign supreme, there’s a horde of underrated zombie movies that, despite their brilliance, have shuffled under the radar, unnoticed by many a horror fan. These are not your run-of-the-mill brain munchers; they are the unsung heroes of the genre, blending...
The romance (and brain-eating) continues on this week’s episode of Nightmare on Film Street. Join your horror hosts Kimmi...
We’re putting the gore on the back burner and turning up the heat on some feel-good vibes for this week’s...