BONE LAKE Still scaled
Courtesy of Fantastic Fest

BONE LAKE Review: Never Trust an Airbnb Booking Error #FantasticFest

Bone Lake isn’t just a fun name. For this slow-burn psychological thriller, it’s a promise. Following two couples stuck together in a lavish rental home after a booking error, the husbands jokingly argue whether the lake is named after a local Urban Legend about a serial killer or a guarantee that everyone who stays gets laid. But Bone Lake director Mercedes Bryce-Morgan (Spoonful of Sugar) thankfully asks: Why not both? 

Directing from a screenplay by Joshua Friedlander (Holly Slept Over), Mercedes Bryce Morgan’s new thriller deals with the messy, complicated issues that sour long term relationships. Diego Sage (portrayed by Marco Pigossi & Maddie Hasson) are struggling with the mounting pressure of a single income, now what Diego has quit his teaching position to pursue writing full time. They’re hoping that a secluded weekend getaway will help them reconnect…which is exactly what Will &Cinn (Alex Rose & Andra Nechita) were looking forward to as well until both couples realize they’ve been double-booked in the same house. Awkwarrrrrrd.

Bone Lake takes the been-there-seen-that Unwanted Guest template and gives it a dose of blood & butts”

Not wanting to lose out on such a great spot, the four opt for a compromise and agree to enjoy the estate (and each other’s company) rather than drawing straws on who should GTFO. Personally, I would have drawn straws but it doesn’t make for a very good movie. On the other hand, I would have completely avoided the psychological minefield Diego & Sage find themselves navigating. Oh, and I definitely wouldn’t have done anything to utterly destroy my marriage…or be forced to fight for my life in the twisted game of cat and mouse. But hey, call me old fashioned.

Bone Lake takes the been-there-seen-that Unwanted Guest template and gives it a dose of blood & butts. For anyone super familiar with that particular subgenre, the beats aren’t exactly shocking, but the movie has style and squeezes out some sexy situations and piercing uncomfortably. These movies always shift gears, but often times way too late in the game. This is also an unfortunate truth about Bone Lake which holds off far too long on getting the psychopath party started, but when it kicks into high gear it goes from 0 to 60 without every looking back. 

Bone Lake might not blow minds but it’s a seductive piece of cinema that takes an average thriller and slowly cranks up the crazy.

The film has the execution of a 90s cult classic, playing with form and experimenting with fun camerawork to heighten its coolest moments. It also builds some steamy will-they-wont-they sequences between each couple that goes hand-in-hand with the slowly unfolding mystery of Will & Cinn‘s true intentions. The story’s biggest surprises might not land as hard for anyone familiar with setup, but it’s 3rd act delivers. It’s a long overdue stab at high-stakes violence after a series of poisoned pleasantries and conniving challenges, but a turn that’s worth the wait. Bone Lake might not blow minds but it’s a seductive piece of cinema that takes an average thriller and slowly cranks up the crazy. 

Mercedes Bryce-Morgan’s Bone Lake celebrated is world premiere at Fantastic Fest 2024. Click HERE to follow our continued coverage of the festival, and let us know what you would do if your Airbnb was double-booked over in the Nightmare on Film Street Discord!

BONE LAKE Review: Never Trust an Airbnb Booking Error #FantasticFest
Bone Lake takes the been-there-seen-that Unwanted Guest template and gives it a dose of blood & butts. For anyone super familiar with that particular subgenre, the beats aren't exactly shocking but the movie has style and squeezes out some sexy situations and piercing uncomfortably

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