From the moment we are introduced to Hunter (Haley Bennett) in Carlo Mirabella-Davis’ new film Swallow, her world captivates with...
Jason Axinn’s animated feature film, To Your Last Death, is gory thrill ride about trauma, inevitability, and just how awful...
An alien invasion would set forth a pretty tremendous movement on our planet, but director Brandon Zuck takes a closer...
Matthew Pope’s directorial debut Blood On Her Name is a tense neo-noir film about the lengths one woman will go...
[Exclusive Interview] Writer/Director/Actor Toby Poser Talks Family Filmmaking in THE DEEPER YOU DIG
For Toby Poser, filmmaking is a family affair. Poser, her partner John Adams, and their two daughters Lula and Zelda...
When you think of that special someone, your valentine, the one who owns your heart, it’s safe to assume those...
Last Halloween, Faster Horse Pictures announced there development plans for a new horror franchise centered around one of New Orleans’...
Ant Timpson’s Come To Daddy hits select theatres and VOD February 7th, just in time to give your sappy Valentine’s love...