On a dark and stormy night, two strangers wait out the weather in a rundown caravan deep in Australia’s coastal...
Step into the shadows in The Boogeyman (2023), a spine-tingling horror film based on the short story by the legendary...
In a world where horror films often tread familiar ground, Outpost emerges as a breath of fresh air, taking audiences...
Amongst the many tragic realities we face in this world, there is perhaps no horror greater than that of losing...
Mother, May I, the subtle possession thriller and feature debut from writer/director Laurence Vannicelli, is not your typical possession film....
There are few two-word combos that ensnare me faster than “Bigfoot Movie”. Like the big man himself, they come in...
“Sisu” is a Finnish word, impossible to translate. According to the opening scroll it refers to the white-knuckled courage of...
Hollywood’s ‘freshest’ requel, Evil Dead Rise, is hitting the big screen, and it’s quite the ride. Moving away from the...