Two decades ago, a grown adult man like myself would be shamed for consuming as many animated television shows and...
Horror Anthologies are hard to nail. Though always entertaining and delightful, few can hold enough steam to carry an audience...
it’s hard to know sometimes exactly what makes a horror film “visceral” but damned if Brandon Cronenberg’s isn’t trying to...
We all know Mads Mikkelsen is a badass. Stoic, debonair, and composed —yes, but still a stone-cold badass. That’s why...
What does it really mean to “live” with Chucky? Most all of us have had nightmares of the possessed doll coming...
A few years ago it was announced that Tom Gormican and Kevin Etten had written a screenplay about Nicolas Cage...
When analyzing the meaning of the word “relic”, one will find descriptions such as “object surviving from an earlier time”,...
Incorporating religious themes within cinematic narratives has become so widely used, it can easily go unnoticed. Horror may be the...