As a fan who’s always ready to warp into the realms of time travel movies, my anticipation for Things Will...
Freddy Macdonald’s Sew Torn is a high-stakes crime thriller for everyone that grew up obsessed with choose-your-own-adventure novels. Working through...
Speaking of thrillers that play at the edge of horror– Hunting Daze stands out as a peculiar, yet captivating piece....
Jack Clark and Jim Weir’s Birdeater is an intriguing entry into the Australian horror scene, attempting to weave a tapestry...
Stop-motion has come a long way from the silly penguins and giant peaches of our childhood. In recent years there...
If there’s one word that summarizes the main focus of early man’s life, it’s undoubtedly “survive”. In the gripping Cro-Magnon...
Watching Christmas horror movies is a proud tradition for spooky fiends looking to escape their post-Halloween blues and the agonizing...
Horror maestro Eli Roth returns with the long-awaited Thanksgiving, ushering in a new holiday-themed slasher villain with a one hell...