Going to parties can be a bit distressing; the pressure to interact with strangers and to waste your money on...
Insidious: The Last Key marks the fourth installment in Blumhouse’s Insidious franchise. Directed by Adam Robitel (The Taking of Deborah Logan), with a script...
I regard Guillermo del Toro as one of the most (if not the) most esteemed genre filmmakers of the 21st...
Crime in Mexico is no joke. In the past 10 years, roughly 160,000 have died in drug-related violence and more...
If you ever worked in an office, then you know that feeling: Sitting at a desk, closed off in a...
Part crime thriller, part psychological horror, Charismata is a dark, atmospheric mystery with a tinge of gallows humor as the...
The ominous darkness, twisting trees, and dilapidated cabins of a forested wilderness have long been staples of horror. In fact,...
In Creep 2, Mark Duplass returns to the hypnotically unsettling role of psychotic killer, Aaron (Creep 2). Or is it Josef (Creep)?...