While horror has delved into the subconscious waters of our dreams many times before, director Anthony Scott Burns (Our House)...
Bringing back a beloved series like Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone is bound to be met with mixed reviews. Anyone...
Joining prime examples of the power of good filmmaking is director Zoe Wittock’s Jumbo, a film with a truly bizarre premise that moved me through the sheer power of storytelling. It’s not unlike The Shape of Water (2017) in the way it makes the viewer deeply, emotionally invested in a...
In Sao Paulo, a city already rife with poverty, death and corruption, an ancient evil will be awakened, bringing destruction...
Gut the Punks! is a monthly dissection of genre film with some loose connection to punk rock music and culture....
Being queer is pretty cool, but also pretty exhausting. As you search to find yourself in film, television, books, and more, you find yourself creating narratives within those stories. Being queer requires an imagination out of survival, an imagination that believes you fit neatly into typically heterosexual stories. Out of...
It’s that time of the month, readers. Dust off your battlevest, knock back that 40 oz, and settle in for...
We are currently witnessing a fourth industrial revolution, where artificial intelligence is on its way to surpassing its human inventors....
Jagoda Szelc’s second feature film, Monument, is a puzzling one. It is both a surreal nightmare akin to the works of David Lynch and a corruption of youth as seen in Pasolini’s 120 Days of Sodom, yet it still exists as its own wholly unique piece of perplexing art. It...
The opening of Robert Olsen and Dan Berk’s (The Stakelander) new film, Villains, sets the tone for the events to...
In the 1980s, a strange band came into the underground music scene. Calling themselves The Mentors, each member wore a...
Punk rock was my first true love. We met in high school and the music changed my life forever. But through my obsession of the rock n’ roll subgenre, I was able to develop a romantic affair with horror films in recent years. Horror punk bands like The Misfits based...