The Toronto After Dark film festival recently held it’s annual Zombie Night, filled wall-to-wall with brains, bullets, and baddies. The...
The zombie comedy-musical Anna and The Apocalypse is sure to be your next holiday horror classic. Christmas seems to be the one...
When our fearless leaders, Jon and Kim, saw Starfish at this year’s Fantastic Fest, they were quite confused, to say the least. When I saw the post-apocalyptic cosmic horror the week after, I also struggled to wrap my head around the story. I had no idea what to ask director...
A.T. White’s debut feature Starfish celebrated it’s world premiere at the 2018 Fantastic Film Festival, bringing Texas film fans a...
The female-driven zombie film Endzeit (Ever After)Â premiered to a sold out theatre at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival, which...
Montreal is a city of many cultures. Each neighborhood is unique in its own way and its residents always have a story to tell. That’s why eighteen young filmmakers, fed up with the lack of funding available for their projects, decided to collaborate and create Montreal Dead End. The 85-minute-long...
A Quiet Place has finally invaded movie theatres, scaring moviegoers worldwide. It’s a lot to ask for audiences to sit in...
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