The Old Ways follows Mexican American reporter Christina — and her journey to her homeland, Veracruz. However, she is abducted...
Three years ago writer/director Jill Gevargizian made waves with a short film that featured a tortured hairstylist taking more than...
Natasha Kermani and Brea Grant’s Lucky enters familiar territory while also breaking new ground. On top of work troubles, author May (Grant) is caught in an unusual situation at home. Each night, she and her partner Ted (Dhruv Uday Singh) are attacked by a masked intruder. Those around her fail...
When analyzing the meaning of the word “relic”, one will find descriptions such as “object surviving from an earlier time”,...
UFO horror is an acquired taste. Found footage horror is an acquired taste. Luckily, Skyman–both a UFO film and a...
Harold Holscher’s debut feature The Soul Collector (Originally titled 8) is a folk tale from a land whose mythology is as dark as the day is long. A rich character study steeped in mythology from an untapped well, the Southern African fable celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Fantasia...
Fans of psychological thrillers like Fear (1996), The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992), and The Crush (1993), take note:...
Not a lot happens in a place like Harburg, Pennsylvania. Life moves at a slow pace, very little ever changes,...
Put aside first impressions, challenge your classism, and allow a stranger’s journey in an unfamiliar world wash over you. Feral is an honest but surprisingly uplifting character study, as dark as the streets our main character walks. The only guarantee that the future will hold better days for our main...
The Ranger is an unabashedly fun and clever new slasher from director Jenn Wexler. The film has been making waves...
The Queen of Hollywood Blvd is a stylish homage to grindhouse crime film that stands out as a visually stunning...
The Queen of Hollywood Blvd is an inspired love letter to 70’s crime films and grindhouse fare. But the film goes beyond mere homage. It’s a moving character study in its own right, and much of this is due to the performance of Rosemary Hochschild in the lead role. The...