Eric Power’s Attack of The Demons celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Cinepocalypse Film Festival, bringing to mind some...
Anyone with a toe in the world of social media can tell you it’s rife with horror potential. Most of...
The battle between Heaven and Hell rages on south of the border. Belzebuth is a Mexican religious horror directed by Emilio Portes. It’s the first release produced by his film company Pastorela Peliculas, named after Portes’ 2011 comedy Pastorela. Now on his fourth feature, Portes goes in a much darker...
Another holiday is coming up, which means Hulu’s Into The Dark must therefore ruin it. The tenth installment in the...
An economically struggling young woman is lured into the snare of a wealthy, mysterious man. She finds herself in an...
It’s finally here! Former Misfits singer Glenn Danzig’s debut feature Verotika has been released to the masses! The movie is a horror anthology based on Danzig’s spooky adult-theme comic series Verotik. After audiences laughed throughout the world premiere at the Cinepocalypse film festival last year, I was convinced Danzig would...