A supernatural tale unlike most you have seen before, Murder Me, Monster (Muere, Monstruo, Muere) follows a confused detective searching for a...
Takahide Hori’s Junk Head first played at the Fantasia International Film Festival back in 2017, with a much longer and...
After a pandemic’s-worth of wait, The Green Knight is finally here. Teased in early 2020 (now hereby known as “simpler times”), the A24 dark fantasy epic lured us horror fiends in with an ambiguously sinister trailer; promising a foreboding epic set during the height of knights, mead, muddy floors, and...
Hey there, Scaredy cat. Are you the type of person who loves the idea of a good scare but can’t...
Perhaps one of the oddest films we’ve seen at this years Fantastic Fest is co-writer/director Ali Abbasi’s Border (Gräns). This film is...
A glimpse into another world not too unlike our own isn’t exactly a novel format for the fantasy genre, but actress turned first-time feature filmmaker Carlson Young (Scream the series) breathes a fresh, feminine perspective into the classic down the rabbit hole jaunt with The Blazing World. ” …a...
Spring is a time of renewal, but it’s also a season of scares. As the world awakens from the long...
Crime in Mexico is no joke. In the past 10 years, roughly 160,000 have died in drug-related violence and more...