Prepare to embark on a harrowing journey into the depths of psychological thrillers and mind-bending horror. These ten twisted films...
Is it possible to be a low-brow plot snob? Because if so, I definitely am. I like a story. With...
Eviction parties are fun. You can invite as many people as you want to come trash the place one last time. What’s the worst that can happen? The landlord can’t evict you twice (though maybe you’ll have to pay for damages). A final going-away party is the jumping-off point for...
As Michael Peterson, the director of Knuckleball, once explained to me, horror and comedy aren’t as far apart as people...
When the Wachowskis first unleased The Matrix in 1999, the ideas and theories it posited blew mainstream society’s collective mind....
Audiences are not often exposed to the harsh realities of pregnancy, but director Emma Tammi is familiar with the sobering facts that accompany motherhood as seen in her debut feature film, The Wind. As a director and producer, Tammi has the experience behind the lens and continues to explore interesting...
Just in time for Halloween comes a comic book movie about becoming possessed by an entity that turns you into...