Every Serial Killer Live Next Door To Someone. This brilliant tagline is echoed in every paranoia-fueled scene of Summer of ’84. Directed...
For many, being or becoming a parent can be scary. For the young couple in Still/Born, parenthood is downright terrifying. Still/Born, the directorial...
I’m going to preface this review by saying I was not alive in the 70’s, and did not get the opportunity of seeing The Exorcist in its original theatrical run. But, as a life-long horror fan, I’d yet to experience a screening that was so haunting, so deeply unsettling, I...
Netflix Original Cargo is a surprising and refreshing remix of the post-apocalyptic zombie subgenre. Smart at times, but always with...
Isolation and video games go hand-in-hand. Spending hours absorbed into a game with no company other than a joystick can...
I’ll admit, other than appreciating the odd festival where you’ll find me buzzing in the corner of a beer tent, I don’t really do ‘hard’ music. There are a few macabre maestros I hold in high esteem, but my awareness of Death Metal, Norwegian Black Metal, and everything in-between were (and...
Netflix just unleashed The Haunting of Hill House and what you discover within its walls may take you by surprise. I admit...
The more directors I interview, the more I understand the amount of blood, sweat and tears that go into an...
Being a family can be hard. Think of your family; your loving parents or the fights you had with your siblings growing up. Everyone’s family has their quirks and dysfunction. Except now imagine that your mom is a robot, you share the same birthday with six adoptive siblings, and you...
With its release of the series The Society, Netflix has in some ways stoked the shrinking flame that is young...
With James Wan being recruited to big superhero Blockbusters, horror fans have been left to quench their thirst for terrifying...
Anyone with a toe in the world of social media can tell you it’s rife with horror potential. Most of us follow at least someone on YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram. A few of us might even be fans of the storied group known as influencers. They’re an easy crowd to...