In a special 40th-anniversary episode of the Nightmare on Film Street podcast, Heather Langenkamp, who famously portrayed Nancy Thompson in...
We’re getting lost in the woods on this very special episode of the Nightmare on Film Street Horror Movie Podcast!...
The nightmare begins again with Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City, a new cinematic adaptation of the popular video game series. Unlike the previous loosely-based action-packed Resident Evil franchise from Paul W. S. Anderson, Welcome to Racoon City is an origin story that injects more elements of horror into its atmosphere and...
There’s no denying that the modern horror movie landscape changed forever when James DeMonaco’s The Purge hit theatres back in 2013....
Prano Bailey-Bond’s Censor is a mind-bending examination of the Video Naty hysteria that gripped Britain in the late 1980s. The...
Horror filmmakers often use a relevant perspective and adopt current issues to mimic socioeconomic problems and triumphs. Some are more obvious than others in their application of these themes while others tread lightly. Writer and director Ben Wheatley (Kill List) plants his post-pandemic horror, In The Earth, with unsettling care...
Werewolf films are amongst the most beloved subgenres of horror, ranging from the iconic that shine under the light of...
Looks can be deceiving when it comes to director Natasha Kermani’s film, Lucky. On its surface, the film recounts the...
The deep, dark well containing religion and faith is one that horror finds itself returning to again and again. Films like The Exorcist, The Omen, The Witch, The Devil’s Doorway and the recent Saint Maud all have roots firmly planted in holy fields. However, despite the plethora of horror films...
The set-up for Willy’s Wonderland is wild. Directed by Kevin Lewis, the film centers around a defunct Chuck E. Cheese-type...
Love knows no bounds and as far as Into The Dark’s latest episode Tentacles goes, neither does intimacy. The Valentine’s...
When the Wachowskis first unleased The Matrix in 1999, the ideas and theories it posited blew mainstream society’s collective mind. Despite being around in one form or another for centuries, its hyper-stylized, expertly executed and Keanu-infused presentation of simulation theory injected new life and energy into the hypothesis. As conversations...