Sacrifice (2021) is written and directed by Andy Collier & Toor Mian and takes a subtle approach to slow-burn folk...
Sean Ellis’ The Cursed (Originally Titled Eight For Silver) celebrated its World Premiere at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival as...
There’s an interesting intersection of fandoms that exists for horror and film score fans. Both incredibly passionate groups of people, the combined energy and fervor when both unite rivals some of Cronenberg’s best creations. Long relegated to obscure chat rooms, select friends and painstaking collecting habits, things began to change...
I have been admiring Steven Kostanski’s work for years without even knowing it. All this time I was admiring the...
Anything for Jackson is one of those films that calmly takes the tried and true exorcism and possession sub-genres and...
Best known as The Newton Brothers, Taylor Stewart and Andy Grush are composers well versed in the complexity of the horror sound. Incredibly adept at navigating the intricate emotional tapestries that naturally reside within the horror realm, the pair manage to balance this tricky array of responsibility with startling ease....
It might surprise you to learn that the goriest movie at the virtual Nightstream Film Festival was a movie comprised...
Just in time for spooky season, director Timothy Woodward Jr. (The Final Wish) has released his latest film, The Call....
At the intersect of Fargo, Zodiac, and Dog Soldiers is The Wolf of Snow Hollow, Orion Pictures’ latest movie to blend the horror and crime thriller genre into one surprisingly funny package. The film, about a small town cop handling a series of supernatural-leaning murders, was written and directed by...
Having a triumph film like American Psycho on her resume, one might assume there are no cinematic challenges left for...
The Welcome To The Blumhouse double-feature series has officially begun, kicking off with Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour Jr’s Black Box and Veena Sud’s The...
The road to a finished film is paved with the long hours, expertise and dedication of dozens of specialized individuals. A culmination of countless moving pieces, every single film stands as a testament to the wealth of people tackling minute details behind the velvet curtain. One of these talented individuals...