Colin and Cameron Cairnes’ Late Night With The Devil is a retro-fied joyride through a 1970s late night talk show, during an...
Ghostface returns this weekend in Scream VI and his/her/their (who knows!) reign of terror has expanded out from the quiet, sleepy...
DESCRIPTION After spending 2 weeks covering two uniquely American horror flicks, Nightmare on Film Street is setting its sights north on Canada’s Body Horror godfather, Mr. David Cronenberg. Join your horror hosts Jon & Kim as they celebrate the lasting legacy of cinema’s gooiest exploding head and Michael Ironside’s villainous...
DESCRIPTION You have two choices: Win….or Die! Join your horror hosts Jon & Kim as they close out their “games...
DESCRIPTION: If horror movies have taught us anything it’s that nothing is more dangerous than making out at Lovers’ Lane....
Alex Noyer’s Sound of Violence features some pretty elaborate deaths, tailor-made for the Midnight Madness crowd. Adapted from his short Conductor, the film follows a musician obsessively hunting for unique sounds to complete her symphony of destruction. Alexis, played by Jasmin Savoy Brown, experiences a rare sensory phenomenon known as Synesthesia that...
It’s been 24 years since the release of Tromeo and Juliet (and it still blows my mind that James Gunn...
The rate at which Shudder continues to deliver exclusive films is both impressive and exciting for horror fans looking for...