Tilman Singer premiered his hypnotic debut feature Luz at the 2017 Fantasia Film Festival to critical acclaim and he returns this year...
This weekend marks the release of writer/director Ted Geoghegan’s third feature Brooklyn 45, now streaming on Shudder after a successful...
Welcome to the mind-bending world of surreal horror movies, where the boundaries of reality are shattered, and nightmares come alive. In this list, we delve into ten captivating films that defy conventions and transport audiences into a realm where dreams and nightmares intertwine. From twisted narratives to mesmerizing visuals, these...
Walpurgisnacht, also known as Walpurgis Night or Hexennacht, is a pagan holiday celebrated on the night of April 30th. It...
Are you ready for a fresh take on the classic tale of Dracula? The upcoming film release of Renfield promises...
Are you tired of scrolling aimlessly through Netflix, trying to find the perfect horror movie to watch? That’s the worst. Look no further, as we’ve compiled a list of 10 horror movies on Netflix that you probably haven’t seen yet. From supernatural ghosts to cannibalistic vampires, these films will satiate...
The ghosts of our past return to haunt the living in Ted Geoghegan’s post WWII supernatural thriller Brooklyn 45. Set...
10 classics of horror streaming free on Tubi now! Take a frightful journey!
Movie streaming services are like restaurants. HBO Max is high-end dining, exclusive haute cuisine worth every penny. Amazon Prime is a food court- they have all imaginable options but for a really decent meal, you’ll have to pay a bit extra. Meanwhile, Tubi is an out-of-the-way fast food joint that...
At a time when the box office is oversaturated with mid-tier Hollywood superhero movies, one film out of Europe has...
Were you bitten by a giant dog recently? Have your K9 teeth been growing unexpectedly? Were you recently warned by...
Adrian Panek’s Werewolf accomplishes a feat that’s surely difficult to pull off: for the duration of its runtime it feels decidedly open yet absolutely claustrophobic. A harrowing thriller performed by a cast of mostly unprofessional child actors, it’s a complex and sometimes shocking film that feels like WWII-era Lord of...