Step into the mesmerizing world of Peter Cushing, the legendary actor whose name is synonymous with captivating performances and unforgettable...
Prepare to be enthralled by the wickedly wonderful world of Christopher Lee, the legendary actor whose name is synonymous with...
Chris McKay’s Renfield hits theatres this weekend to deliver it’s unique spin on the classic Dracula story, loaded with humor, horror, and heart. It’s a gory good time that pays homage to damn near every Dracula film that came before it, and features two downright batty performances from Nicholas Hoult (Warm Bodies)...
Are you ready for a fresh take on the classic tale of Dracula? The upcoming film release of Renfield promises...
Ladies and gentlemen, ghouls and ghosts, it’s time to talk about the ladies of the night – the female Vampire!...
Chucky, Annabelle, Slappy, Brahms and Billy – Whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, creepy dolls have been a staple of horror since time immemorial. All throughout horror history, little plastic hands have committed acts of violence, whilst glass eyes watch eerily from the mantlepiece. They’ve set traps, punished the...
Prano Bailey-Bond’s Censor is a mind-bending examination of the Video Naty hysteria that gripped Britain in the late 1980s. The...