Since its inception, Netflix’s original series Black Mirror has pushed the boundaries on exploring humanity and its connection to evolved...
It was only a few short months ago Leprechaun: Returns silently crept into the horrorsphere (by that I mean Twitter...
High hopes, low expectations. That’s how I try to go into a horror movie I’m apprehensive on. It’s how I walked into The Possession of Hannah Grace, which caught me, and I’m pretty sure the rest of the horror community, by surprise. I’m sure I shamefully said “Oh, they’re going...
Director Nicholas Pesce generated considerable buzz with his directorial debut, The Eyes of my Mother (2016). Now, with Piercing, he...
I could spend hours talking about why I love 1941’s The Wolf Man. There’s the makeup, the cast (Lon Chaney...
When democracy fails, it’s not hard to believe in a “deep state” conspiracy. Whether it’s the Illuminati or Lizard People, there are puppet masters working behind the scenes to maintain the status quo. The Cannibal Club (or O Clube dos Canibais) expands on the idea of a select group of...
There is a special magic in the folk tale. Modern media can give you great stories, for sure. But folklore...
Forgive me if I sound old-fashioned, but murdered teens just aren’t what they used to be. There was a time...
The Brooklyn Horror Film Festival wanted to keep its “Secret Screening” a true surprise. No Halloween, they said. no Suspiria. Nothing that you could easily guess would show up at a horror movie festival. Well let me tell you, they succeeded. Eddie Alcazar’s Perfect is as un-guessable as a film...
The Catholic faith has always seemed scary to me. I grew up in a Protestant church— which was scary enough—...
There’s a questionable statistic making the rounds on the internet that suggests that the average person unknowingly passes at least...
Few horror films get touted as truly terrifying these days. We’re all either desensitized by violence.. or deterred by Twitter naysayers. (Who still swear that Hereditary undelivered, and The VVitch doesn’t count as horror. Wrong. So wrong.) Argentine horror film Terrified sets a high bar for itself. Who is terrified? The...