Mental illness is a monster in Addison Heimann’s supernatural thriller Hypochondriac. The debut feature from the director follows a young...
Who knew hot girl summer actually meant we’d be getting a ton of witch-trial era horrors? The Fear Street Trilogy...
Takahide Hori’s Junk Head first played at the Fantasia International Film Festival back in 2017, with a much longer and more detailed cut. The stop-motion dark fantasy/adventure was adapted from his 2013 short of the same name and by all accounts, response to the film was very positive. Even Guillermo...
There is no greater crime syndicate in cinema (or life, for that matter) than The Yakuza, which makes them the...
[#Fantasia2021 Review] Occult Indie Horror HELLBENDER puts Mother-Daughter Relationships to the Test
Filmmaking is a family affair for the creators behind indie horror Hellbender. Who better to conjure a film about the...
Jesse Thomas Cook’s cult-busting, gut-busting indie flick Cult Hero recently celebrated its world premiere at the 2022 Fantasia Film Festival. The action-horror-comedy mashup follows disgraced “cult buster” and deprogrammer Dale Domazar (Ry Barrett) is called up out of retirement for one last job. Fearing that her husband has been kidnapped by a new-age...
Lovecraftian monster and Lovecraftian madness descend on a small cabin-in-the-woods of northern Ontario, Canada in Rodrigo Gudiño’s The Breach. Adapted from...
In Jesse Thomas Cook’s goofy action-thriller Cult Hero, disgraced “cult buster” and deprogrammer Dale Domazar (Ry Barrett) is called up out of...
In the world of horror, few creatures have captured the imagination quite like The Werewolf. From the classic Universal Monster movies to the 80s hits so good even the Academy Awards had to take notice, the werewolf has always been a symbol of the wild, untamed nature within us all. Larry...
Lights, camera, howls! Larry Fessenden’s latest indie gem Blackout recently celebrated its World Premiere at the 2023 Fantasia Film Festival. An...
Last week, a bunch of high-ranking military officials went before the US Congress and admitted that the government has been...
The Adams Family have done it again! The filmmaking team, made up of father John Adams, mother Toby Poser and daughters Zelda and Lulu, have been writing, directing, producing and starring in their own independent productions for a little over a decade, and have crafted festival favorites including The Deeper...