In the world of horror, few creatures have captured the imagination quite like The Werewolf. From the classic Universal Monster...
In Heir of The Witch, an underprivileged seamstress, haunted by her past, seeks love and acceptance in high society but...
The Mummy (well, maybe not “The” Mummy, but a Mummy nonetheless) Returns! Join your horror hosts Kim & Jon as they lift the lid on the tomb of Kharis and summon the eternal spirit of The Mummy’s Hand (1940), the long-awaited sequel to the Universal Monsters Classic The Mummy (1932)...
Sharks have long been the subject of fascination, fear, and folklore. From the terrifying Great White in Jaws to the...
The Adams Family have done it again! The filmmaking team, made up of father John Adams, mother Toby Poser and...
Grab your garlic, sharpen your stakes, and put on your best evening cape, dear readers, for we’re about to embark on a nocturnal journey through the top 10 best Dracula adaptations of all time. From the silent era’s creepy classics to the modern-day binge-worthy series, we’ve got a coffin-full of...
Summertime might be a bit too early to start planning for Christmas (though it’s never too early to plan for...
Searching for the underrated horror movies of 2023? You’ve come to the right dark alley! While the blockbuster beasts are...
Are you tired of the same old vacation spots? Looking for something a little more… spine-chilling? Pack your bags and your courage, because we’ve compiled a list of 13 ghostly getaways that offer more than just a comfortable bed and complimentary breakfast. These haunted hotels are brimming with spectral guests...
DESCRIPTION Welcome back to the Summer of ’97, horror fans! We’re taking a fun detour into the world of Action...
Ever wondered what it would be like if Michelle Pfeiffer was hunting down Hannibal Lecter, or if Eddie Murphy was...
Lights, camera, howls! Larry Fessenden’s latest indie gem Blackout recently celebrated its World Premiere at the 2023 Fantasia Film Festival. An expansion of Fessenden’s contemporary remix of the Universal Classic Monster stories (a welcome choice with the failed Dark Universe project on the back burner for the foreseeable future), Blackout stars...