A splatterfest as unabashed and freewheeling as punk itself, The Ranger is a smart and inventive examination of genre and...
The Ranger is an unabashedly fun and clever new slasher from director Jenn Wexler. The film has been making waves...
On the 200 year anniversary of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, veteran horror director Larry Fessenden set out to retell the story in a modern setting, with a completely unique approach. Unlike so many of the film adaptations that places the doctor and his struggles at the forefront of the story, Fessenden’s Depraved is...
Punk rock was my first true love. We met in high school and the music changed my life forever. But...
Gut the Punks! is a monthly dissection of genre film with some loose connection to punk rock music and culture....
Justin McConnell’s Clapboard Jungle documents five years in the life of an indie filmmaker. The documentary is not only a must-see for the advice from established filmmakers and producers, but also because McConnell takes you along for the rollercoaster ride of emotions involved in getting a project off the ground. You’re...
What began as a simple bonus feature on a Blu-ray release, ended up being a great surprise for horror enthusiasts...
Welcome to Gut the Punks, a monthly dissection of genre films that have a loose connection to punk rock music...
Summertime might be a bit too early to start planning for Christmas (though it’s never too early to plan for Halloween), but one thing you should definitely plan to do this holiday season is watch Jenn Wexler’s The Sacrifice Game. The stylish supernatural horror has everything you could want in...
Watching Christmas horror movies is a proud tradition for spooky fiends looking to escape their post-Halloween blues and the agonizing...