Gaspar Noé is a terribly unique filmmaker. His films have been notorious for decades but despite his infamous stature, his...
Celebrating its 10th year, the Panic Film Festival kicks off on April 28th at the historic Screenland Armour Theatre in...
DESCRIPTION We’re joined by Lloyd Kaufman on this week’s episode of the Nightmare on Film Street podcast! Join your horror hosts Kim and Jon as they interview the king of gross-out cinema about his new (and maybe final) film #SHAKESPEARESSHITSTORM, celebrating 50 years of Troma, the state of cinema today,...
I’m just gonna cut to the chase. There are only two reasons you are reading a review for James Gunn’s The Suicide...
Do you want more 80’s horror? You got it! David Weiner’s In Search Of Darkness: A Journey Into Iconic 80’s Horror was...
Lloyd Kaufman is a pioneer of independent cinema. For more than 45 years, his B-movie studio Troma Entertainment has been disrupting media with its ever-expanding library of wacky and wonderful films, produced for a fraction of a Hollywood budget. But at every turn, Kaufman has had to constantly carve out...
It’s been 24 years since the release of Tromeo and Juliet (and it still blows my mind that James Gunn...
Welcome to Gut the Punks! A monthly dissection of genre film with some loose connection to punk rock music and culture. Prom...
Punk rock was my first true love. We met in high school and the music changed my life forever. But through my obsession of the rock n’ roll subgenre, I was able to develop a romantic affair with horror films in recent years. Horror punk bands like The Misfits based...