Mariama Diallo’s debut feature Master follows two black professors and a black freshman as they navigate the tortured history and hostile environment...
From the moment we are introduced to Hunter (Haley Bennett) in Carlo Mirabella-Davis’ new film Swallow, her world captivates with...
The late-night shift becomes a living nightmare in Brea Grant’s 12 Hour Shift, a comedic one-night disaster that sends a junkie nurse through the wringer as she tries to avoid police, dodge suspicion, and stay alive, all while trying to do her job…and maybe stealing a few organs along the...
Can a gritty crime thriller be both dark and feel-good? Writer/Director Drew Goddard sure thinks so in his swinging ensemble...
If it possible to be both a serial slasher and a family man? Bloodline from Blumhouse Productions and director Henry...
It only took one film for comedy veteran Jordan Peele to become Horror’s darling. Get Out catapulted him into an overnight sensation; turning heads and ticket sales, with hushed voices whispering “the new Hitchcock” to any uninformed earhole. The film also created a seat at the table for Peele – and...
Horror films are not kind to rural life. People who live outside of “civilized” cities are evil, unintelligent hicks as...
The Invisible Man is an iconic image. (Yes, that’s kind of an ironic statement, but it’s true.) One that hasn’t...
Every Serial Killer Live Next Door To Someone. This brilliant tagline is echoed in every paranoia-fueled scene of Summer of ’84. Directed by François Simard, Anouk Whissell, Yoann-Karl Whissell. The adventurous thriller is a nostalgic throwback to a time when you had to get your hands dirty if you really wanted answers. Summer of...