One eventful night of chaos. It’s a formula ideal for the found-footage horror, and one that’s been utilized to perfection...
The iconic, bipedal cryptid who typically inhabits the Pacific Northwest has somehow made his way to Georgia. That’s what the...
Sorry to say it, but we’re not that much less superstitious than our ancestors. Sure, there’s more scientific knowledge today than there ever has been, but how comforting is that to someone in a spooky old house at night, or lost and alone in the dark woods? This is what inspired...
Punk rock was my first true love. We met in high school and the music changed my life forever. But...
There were a lot of reasons to be excited for season three of Stranger Things. But don’t for a second...
The absolutely hilarious mockumentary The Hoard is a comedic collision of reality tv tropes borrowing from the paranormal investigation, self-improvement, and makeover subgenres. Possibly the silliest movie I have seen all year, The Hoard is an absolute laugh out loud riot that so perfectly captures everything you love to hate...
No one becomes a true horror fan without developing a taste for trashy exploitation. If you love over-the-top bad acting,...
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