On a stormy night recently, I revisited Clue (1985), an essential dark comedy and murder mystery based on the popular board game of the same name. After 34 years, that film not only remains hilarious (Flames! On the side of my face!), but it also feels socially relevant in ways...
The Laplace’s Demon has been making the rounds on the film festival circuit for some time now and will soon be available on VOD February 22. Directed by Giordano Giulivi, The Laplace’s Demon is a gripping little film that takes place over one night in mansion-sized escape room. The “killer” hunting our characters...
I first came across Michael Peterson’s work when my friends and I watched his debut feature Lloyd the Conqueror for the sole reason of hearing the end credit song. I wasn’t expecting to be scared sh*tless years later when I saw his sophomore film Knuckleball, a far deadly departure from...