From the moment we are introduced to Hunter (Haley Bennett) in Carlo Mirabella-Davis’ new film Swallow, her world captivates with...
In February of 1975, audiences everywhere were introduced to the horror of The Stepford Wives. It was a horror of...
Pregnancy and motherhood can be a blessing for many, but for some it can be a curse as explored in Emma Tammi’s (The Wind) latest installment of Blumhouse and Hulu’s Into The Dark series: Delivered. In celebration of Mother’s Day, it is a different approach to the joys of childbirth...
Happy Valentine’s Day, single! Today can be rough if you’re not in a relationship, but don’t let that get you...
What’s up, weirdos? Welcome to 2019’s first installment of Awfully Good, where we recommend bad movies that are worth watching....
Welcome to Gut the Punks! A monthly dissection of genre film with some loose connection to punk rock music and culture. Prom Season continues here at Nightmare On Film Street. And while the Class of 2020 had to celebrate a sad, no-contact prom at home, maybe it’s for the best, because they...
Pregnancy horror rages on in Alexis Jacknow’s Clock, adapted from her short film of the same name in which a...
Having a triumph film like American Psycho on her resume, one might assume there are no cinematic challenges left for...
A true story: February 2010, a good friend and I headed out on a Saturday afternoon to catch the remake of George Romero’s 1973 The Crazies. Though in high school, we were both of age to see the R-rated feature. We’d never been ID’d previously but there is a first...
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