New Year’s is a celebration often lost within a mix of horror genre themes as it falls between that monotonous...
From the moment we are introduced to Hunter (Haley Bennett) in Carlo Mirabella-Davis’ new film Swallow, her world captivates with...
Head Count is a very well made and well acted monster flick about isolation and paranoia that grabs you early on and won’t let go.
Though this year’s Fantasia Fest was chock full of the best kind of horror tropes, only a few of them...
The Pierce brothers The Wretched recently held it’s Word Premiere at the 2019 Fantasia Film Festival, introducing the world to new Witchy...
For the first few minutes of Assassination Nation I thought I might groan and eye roll my way through the whole thing. It seems every suburban high school kid is the coolest, worldliest person on earth. This irks me greatly, as I know this is bullshit and too many movies...
This year, Fantasia Fest saw its share of movies that pushed the boundaries of reality. However, none of them did...
The Little Stranger hits nationwide this weekend and if you don’t already have plans to see it, you should call...
A traditional coming of age teen party movie switches gears when monsters arrive and start straight up murdering teens left and right. Can Sophie and her friends band together to banish or kill the beasts? Luckily, this group of girls can kick some major ass. Buckle up kids, it’s time to go monster slaying.
After its World Premiere at 2019’s Fantasia Film Festival, The Wretched quickly became a film to watch…literally and figuratively. Following...
The Changeling is a magical indie thriller out of New Zealand. It mixes possessions and magic with a classic cat-and-mouse thriller approach. It is both grounded, touching and full of suspense. With a mostly unknown cast and virtually no marketing, this one may slip by you, so be on the lookout and don't miss out on this little known gem!
“Christmas carolers…I hate Christmas carolers.” Mrs. Deagle, myself, and everyone else. We are near concluding End of Days month here at Nightmare on Film Street and, much more mercifully, 2020 as a whole. Instead of wallowing in the crap fest that was this year, I chose instead to gleefully cover the...