No one becomes a true horror fan without developing a taste for trashy exploitation. If you love over-the-top bad acting,...
I regard Guillermo del Toro as one of the most (if not the) most esteemed genre filmmakers of the 21st...
There’s been a lot of discussion in the horror community of late on ‘what defines horror‘. Where we once were outcasts, shadowed by more glamorous genres, our creepy little genre is now ‘in vogue’. Horror audiences are a passionate bunch, and perhaps in an effort to protect our once niche macabre...
Mary Shelley, Haifaa Al-Mansour’s new biopic focusing on the life of Frankenstein‘s creator, is a bit like the titular writer’s famous...
Isolation and video games go hand-in-hand. Spending hours absorbed into a game with no company other than a joystick can...
I’m all about horror films that explore ancient fables and mythical creatures/beings. In Lifechanger, we follow one of these such beings. Premiering at the Fantasia Film Festival in Montreal –Â Lifechanger is an isolating ailment, a fascinating legend, a horror story, and a love story all wrapped into one. Hundreds of...
Perhaps one of the oddest films we’ve seen at this years Fantastic Fest is co-writer/director Ali Abbasi’s Border (Gräns). This film is...
“People like sex and violence. And if that bothers them, they call it romance and adventure…but every great movie has...
Forgive me if I sound old-fashioned, but murdered teens just aren’t what they used to be. There was a time when you could tell a relatable story about you and your best buds heading up to your favorite lakeside camp,where you could find some summer memories, maybe a little bit...
I could spend hours talking about why I love 1941’s The Wolf Man. There’s the makeup, the cast (Lon Chaney...
Valentine’s Day is the annual celebration of love, romance, and infatuation. Leave it to Blumhouse to prove Cupid’s holiday is not...
Being a family can be hard. Think of your family; your loving parents or the fights you had with your siblings growing up. Everyone’s family has their quirks and dysfunction. Except now imagine that your mom is a robot, you share the same birthday with six adoptive siblings, and you...