A few years ago it was announced that Tom Gormican and Kevin Etten had written a screenplay about Nicolas Cage...
Another year of horror movies come and gone. As we get ready to ring in 2023, lets looks back at...
Forgive me if I sound old-fashioned, but murdered teens just aren’t what they used to be. There was a time when you could tell a relatable story about you and your best buds heading up to your favorite lakeside camp,where you could find some summer memories, maybe a little bit...
I could spend hours talking about why I love 1941’s The Wolf Man. There’s the makeup, the cast (Lon Chaney...
Joining prime examples of the power of good filmmaking is director Zoe Wittock’s Jumbo, a film with a truly bizarre...
Anyone with a toe in the world of social media can tell you it’s rife with horror potential. Most of us follow at least someone on YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram. A few of us might even be fans of the storied group known as influencers. They’re an easy crowd to...
The ground rumbles. Glasses shake. People look up, confused. Someone mutters, “it could be a dinosaur.” No, this is not...
Something Else is great for any moviegoer, but it’s hard to argue that horror fans won’t be especially pleased. It’s...
When you think of that special someone, your valentine, the one who owns your heart, it’s safe to assume those thoughts are sweetened by love, support, and comfort. It should be that the significant other in your narrative plays out like a hero rather than a villain, right? The purpose...
Director and producer, McG (Charlie’s Angels) has a true appreciation for cinema of all kinds, making his long list of...
We’ve been overloading you here at Nightmare on Film Street with our film coverage and reviews of the 2019 Overlook...
Taking drugs can bring up a wide range of emotions: anxiety, euphoria, numbness, the feeling of immortality or being connected with nature. For those who don’t want to take the risk, they can experience a second-hand trip through a drug movie, without experiencing the legal or social consequences. The Wave...