Jesse Thomas Cook’s cult-busting, gut-busting indie flick Cult Hero recently celebrated its world premiere at the 2022 Fantasia Film Festival. The...
In Jesse Thomas Cook’s goofy action-thriller Cult Hero, disgraced “cult buster” and deprogrammer Dale Domazar (Ry Barrett) is called up out of...
The absolutely hilarious mockumentary The Hoard is a comedic collision of reality tv tropes borrowing from the paranormal investigation, self-improvement, and makeover subgenres. Possibly the silliest movie I have seen all year, The Hoard is an absolute laugh out loud riot that so perfectly captures everything you love to hate...
Have you ever wanted to see a Friday the 13th movie from Jason Voorhees‘ perspective? What if instead of following...
How do you defend yourself from the undead when you can’t see anything? There’s an extra layer of terror that...