The cosmos of horror gaming is about to get a tantalizing twist with the launch of a game that promises...
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a movie labeled “horror” must be in want of a ghost, ghoul, or masked...
Who hasn’t felt a shiver down their spine at the thought of being cornered with no way out? Dive into the world of trapped horror films, where the walls close in and every exit is an illusion. These tales transform the mundane into nail-biting chambers of suspense. From shadowy basements...
Nyla Innuksuk’s Slash/Back is an alien-infested sci-fi thriller set in a remote Innuit village of Nunavut, Canada. After encountering an alien creature...
The tundra is a ripe spot for terror. And, an underutilized one at that. Boasting an expansive, underdeveloped landscape, isolation,...