When you think of that special someone, your valentine, the one who owns your heart, it’s safe to assume those...
Fantastic Fest is upon us again and delta variant be damned, Austin City’s celebration of cinema kicks off this Thursday....
It’s hard to believe there’s much of anything to get excited for in these strange and depressing times, but there’s always horror. And praise the overlords — there are a heck of a lot of horror movies coming out in 2022. Now, because we’ve got covid variants aplenty threatening to...
The 2022 Overlook Film Festival returns to historic New Orleans, Louisiana beginning June 2nd for a 4-day weekend of weird...
Analog-obsessed modern horror maestro Scott Derrickson is back from his brief jaunt in the Marvel universe with The Black Phone....
Sinister director Scott Derrickson has finally made his return to pure horror with The Black Phone, adapted from an original Joe Hill short story. Join your horror hosts Jon & Kim as they sit down to discuss this eerie tale of missing kids, helpful ghosts, and a masked madman played...