On a stormy night recently, I revisited Clue (1985), an essential dark comedy and murder mystery based on the popular...
Nightmare on Film Street, a horror movie podcast and one of the leading Film/TV Review Podcasts on Apple Podcasts and...
I’ll Take Your Dead from Black Fawn Films tells the tale of William (Aidan Devine, TV’s Impulse), a widower raising his daughter, Gloria (Ava Preston, Critters Attack!) in a hostile, gang-filled environment. If you’re not familiar with Black Fawn Films past offerings, flicks like Bite (2015), The Heritics (2017) and...
The Oak Room (2020) is a love letter to the gothic thrillers of the past, which is fitting, since the...
It’s a dark and stormy night, and you’re all alone. The house is quiet, the lights are dim, and you’re...
Chucky, Annabelle, Slappy, Brahms and Billy – Whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, creepy dolls have been a staple of horror since time immemorial. All throughout horror history, little plastic hands have committed acts of violence, whilst glass eyes watch eerily from the mantlepiece. They’ve set traps, punished the...
Joining prime examples of the power of good filmmaking is director Zoe Wittock’s Jumbo, a film with a truly bizarre...
It’s prom night. Your date is coming to your house to take you to the big dance. That wonderful feeling...
I regard Guillermo del Toro as one of the most (if not the) most esteemed genre filmmakers of the 21st century. His ability to tell enrapturing tales about life, love, and loss through fantastical and sometimes frightening vehicles, is unparalleled. Whether motivated by ghoulish red ghosts in Crimson Peak, a...