Game of Thrones‘ Kitt Harrington stars as a beast of a man in the new werewolf thriller The Beast Within, a...
The moon is full, the fur is out, and the claws are sharp—it’s time to celebrate the unsung hairy heroes...
In the world of horror, few creatures have captured the imagination quite like The Werewolf. From the classic Universal Monster movies to the 80s hits so good even the Academy Awards had to take notice, the werewolf has always been a symbol of the wild, untamed nature within us all. Larry...
Lights, camera, howls! Larry Fessenden’s latest indie gem Blackout recently celebrated its World Premiere at the 2023 Fantasia Film Festival. An...
Looking for the 10 best Canadian horror movies that will send shivers down your spine? Canada is not only known...
Step into the mesmerizing world of Peter Cushing, the legendary actor whose name is synonymous with captivating performances and unforgettable characters. In this list, we’re counting down the 10 best Peter Cushing movies that have enthralled audiences and solidified his status as a true icon. From battling monsters to unraveling...
Calling all fans of classic Universal Monsters! We’ve got a wickedly delightful treat for you—a list of ten essential horror...
In a world that often celebrates the conventional and the mainstream, there’s something to be said for those who don’t...
If you’re a fan of horror movies and adrenaline-pumping action, then you’re in for a treat! We’ve rounded up the top 10 action horror movies that will have you jumping out of your seat one minute and cheering for the hero in the next. Get ready for a wild ride,...
Panic Film Fest returns! Back again for another year of gory head explosions, gut-bustin’ gags, and blood-curdling scares, Panic Festo...
The year was 2005. A generation of horror fans, who had grown up with Wes Craven’s iconic movies such as...
Love hurts. And love hurts way, way worse in a horror movie! To celebrate the holiday of chalky heart-shaped candy and flying babies inexplicably equipped with lethal weapons, we’re giving roses to ten of the harshest betrayals in horror. Lovers or platonic friends looking for more be damned, no one...