Conceived, created, and cobbled together all under Covid-19 lockdown measures in Britain, Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth was unleashed on the...
Frida Kempff’s psychological thriller Knocking (Knackningar) is an eerie and unsettling tale of mental illness that takes the viewer deep inside the...
[Sundance 2021 Review] Analog Era Love Letter CENSOR Blurs The Lines Between Video Nasty and Reality
The 2021 Sundance Film Festival’s Midnight opener Censor takes viewers beyond the cold, grey world of Margaret Thatcher’s 1980s Britain into the vibrant, violent world of the Video Nasties. As a North American, “Video Nasties” were something I didn’t learn about until well after the British censorship craze has cooled. Heck,...
It might surprise you to learn that the goriest movie at the virtual Nightstream Film Festival was a movie comprised...
Devereux Milburn’s Honeydew is a very strange movie. In fact, let’s just leave it at that. Honeydew = Strange, review over. Not enough?...
Filled wall-to-wall with handmade puppets, Frank & Zed is the kind of movie you could watch with the whole family if it weren’t for all the gory decapitations and bloody curdling screams. Puppets are torn limb from limb, slimy brains are turned into lunch, and felt faces are ripped apart in an...
If you don’t like movies that give you anxiety, or stories that put children in danger, you’re going to want...
Three years ago writer/director Jill Gevargizian made waves with a short film that featured a tortured hairstylist taking more than...
While horror has delved into the subconscious waters of our dreams many times before, director Anthony Scott Burns (Our House) manages to pull off a unique take on the subject in his latest film, Come True. The atmospheric sci-fi horror film celebrated its world premiere at this year’s Fantasia Film...
Indie film is firing on all cylinders when it’s at its most ambitious, and that’s exactly what you’re in for...
Lloyd Kaufman is a pioneer of independent cinema. For more than 45 years, his B-movie studio Troma Entertainment has been...
It’s been 24 years since the release of Tromeo and Juliet (and it still blows my mind that James Gunn wrote part of the screenplay). The adaptation of William Shakespeare’s classic romance story is gross, violent, and punk as hell. More than two decades later, B-movie studio giants Troma has...