This weekend marks the release of writer/director Ted Geoghegan’s third feature Brooklyn 45, now streaming on Shudder after a successful...
“Sisu” is a Finnish word, impossible to translate. According to the opening scroll it refers to the white-knuckled courage of...
Every new year of Horror begins and ends at the Sundance Film Festival. It’s maybe not the first festival that comes to mind when you think “Horror” but some of the genres biggest, boldest titles celebrated their world premiere in the picturesque mountains of Park City, Utah. The 2023 Sundance...
At a time when the box office is oversaturated with mid-tier Hollywood superhero movies, one film out of Europe has...
Recently on the NOFS podcast, our lovely hosts reviewed Starship Troopers, directed by the enigmatic Paul Verhoeven. Whenever one discusses Starship...
Superheroes are everywhere. Between a new Marvel movie at least once a year and DC’s attempts at breaking into the market, the world has its fill of capes, tight suits, and maniacal villains. So how can someone deliver something new to a genre monopolized by two big brands? Make it...
There is something every horror fan understands – the world needs to laugh at terrible things. Not a horror film...
We’ve been overloading you here at Nightmare on Film Street with our film coverage and reviews of the 2019 Overlook...
Overlord was unveiled to the world at the 2018 Fantastic Film Festival and I am pleased to tell you that the hype is real! Originally speculated as a Cloverfield film, Overlord is a wild, guns-blazing madness at will have your heart racing from start to finish. From a tense and unrelenting opening behind enemy...