Eric Power’s Attack of The Demons celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Cinepocalypse Film Festival, bringing to mind some...
Adam Egypt Mortimer’s Daniel Isn’t Real is a psychological horror that pits a fragile young man against himself and the horrors of...
Adam Egypt Mortimer’s Daniel Isn’t Real was an official selection at the 2019 Overlook Film Festival, and quite possibly one of the most arresting movies of the entire festival. It’s a great time for people that like rough rides and an entirely original approach to the imaginary-friend-gone-amock subgenre. Adapted from Brian DeLeeuw’s...
We’ve been overloading you here at Nightmare on Film Street with our film coverage and reviews of the 2019 Overlook...
When The Dead Don’t Die comes to theaters a few weeks from now, I suspect there will be a lot...
Dead Trigger (aka Dead Trigger: Unkilled) is an alleged and rather late adaptation of the zombie-themed first person survival horror video game of the same title, released in 2012 for iOS and Android by Madfinger games. It stars Dolph Lundgren as battle-hardened soldier Kyle Walker, sporting his 1989 The Punisher...
Something Else is great for any moviegoer, but it’s hard to argue that horror fans won’t be especially pleased. It’s...
Monster movies are never just one thing. Night of the Living Dead isn’t just about zombies, it’s about prejudices rooted deeply into...
A traditional coming of age teen party movie switches gears when monsters arrive and start straight up murdering teens left and right. Can Sophie and her friends band together to banish or kill the beasts? Luckily, this group of girls can kick some major ass. Buckle up kids, it’s time to go monster slaying.
What’s up, weirdos? Welcome to February’s edition of Awfully Good, a monthly column where we look at movies that might...
A true story: February 2010, a good friend and I headed out on a Saturday afternoon to catch the remake...
What’s up, weirdos? Welcome to 2019’s first installment of Awfully Good, where we recommend bad movies that are worth watching. This month, we’re celebrating Body Horror Month with 1986’s Troma Trashsterpiece Class of Nuke ‘Em High! Welcome back from winter break, kids, cuz class is in session. It’s a body...