Ahockalypse conjures a unique breed of the zombie-comedy genre into interesting territory, blending horror, comedy and sports. Merging the bloody-fisted...
Montreal is a city of many cultures. Each neighborhood is unique in its own way and its residents always have...
Deep in the great Canadian North, no one can hear you scream. You can either fight whatever wishes to kill you, or let it paint the snow with your blood. Knuckleball follows a young boy left behind in unfamiliar territory, with no one to protect him from a murderous psychopath....
Sony Crackle’s Office Uprising hit the free streaming service on July 19th, 2018. The film is a zombie horror-comedy that manages...
If Wes Craven’s Scream has taught us anything, it’s that if you don’t respect the rules, you will not survive....
Netflix Original Cargo is a surprising and refreshing remix of the post-apocalyptic zombie subgenre. Smart at times, but always with its heart on its sleeve. Going into any new zombie movie, you start with the assumption that there’s probably no way the film can deliver something fresh and unique. Sometimes...
The Overlook Film Festival takes scary very seriously, and it came as a small shock to attendees when the Jury...
Once upon a time, way back in 2004, a then relatively unknown James Wan made his directorial debut with a...
The subgenre of zombie horror has been beaten to death, then revived, only to be beaten to death once more. So it’s refreshing to see a new spin on the tired formula. Unlike most zombie flicks set in a bleak, distant future, Trench 11 is set in the year 1918...
If you ever worked in an office, then you know that feeling: Sitting at a desk, closed off in a...
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