The 2019 Fantasia Film Festival is home to surprising and shocking cinema and their Fantasia Underground program is the showcase...
69 results for
2019 fantasia
Keola Racela’s feature film debut Porno pits a group of innocent Christian teenagers against an evil unleashed in their local movie...
Are you tired of scrolling through endless options on Amazon Prime without finding anything compelling enough to commit? Look no...
I’ve long been fascinated about how horror cinema and musical genre crossover. Music fans can discover their new favorite movie...
This review was originally published as part of our 2021 Fantasia Film Festival coverage. Filmmaking is a family affair for...
One of my favourite films from the 2021 Fantasia Film Festival is finally premiering as a Shudder exclusive. All The...
It’s been 8 years since we were first introduced to the fascinating premise of “The Annual Purge”. The possibilities seemingly...
Agnes is not quite like any other possession movie you’ve likely seen. It follows a lot of the same beats...