Ah, body horror. That exquisite subgenre that makes us squirm in our seats, cringe in delicious terror, and occasionally lose...
230 results for
Making a Monster
Are you tired of films that take themselves too seriously? Do you crave cinematic experiences that combine horror, humor, and...
Grab your garlic, sharpen your stakes, and put on your best evening cape, dear readers, for we’re about to embark...
Horror movies are known for their ability to scare us, make us jump out of our seats, and occasionally, make...
Listen up Folk Horror fans! There’s a new mythic monster in town calling out to you from those dark woods...
A secluded bachelorette turns into the girls night from Hell in Spider One and Krsy Fox’s Bury The Bride. Starring...
Panic Film Fest returns! Back again for another year of gory head explosions, gut-bustin’ gags, and blood-curdling scares, Panic Festo...
Powered by RedCircle DESCRIPTION It’s the return of the remake this week on the horror movie podcast for the...