Werewolf films are amongst the most beloved subgenres of horror, ranging from the iconic that shine under the light of...
229 results for
making a monster
There was a time when people lived their lives according to fables, myths, and superstitions. Modern science has almost universally...
In 1993, investigative reporter David Holthouse was undercover at a pot farm in Northern California. As you can imagine, David...
As Michael Peterson, the director of Knuckleball, once explained to me, horror and comedy aren’t as far apart as people...
What’s up, weirdos? Welcome to Awfully Good, where we celebrate rad trash! Since we’re celebrating Women in Horror Month here at Nightmare on...
When the Wachowskis first unleased The Matrix in 1999, the ideas and theories it posited blew mainstream society’s collective mind....
It’s safe to say that you’ve never seen a werewolf movie like The Cursed (Originally titled Eight For Silver). Sure,...
I have been admiring Steven Kostanski’s work for years without even knowing it. All this time I was admiring the...