The madman mine is back in Damien Leone’s Terrifier 2. Art The Clown, portrayed by David Howard Thornton, returns for another Halloween...
Damien Leone’s Terrifier 2 hit select theatres this weekend, completely uncut and in full gory glory. Eyeballs are scooped out...
The man behind the year’s most recognizable clown, David Howard Thornton, is back! For months he’s been breaking the box office and now, he’s here to almost break the law in Steven LaMorte’s unauthorized holiday horror parody of grinchy *wink* proportions, The Mean One. For years “The Mean One” has...
Think you’ve seen it all? I hope you’ve got a strong stomach, because there are plenty of disturbing, vile, and...
On March 12, when film enthusiasts gather for the 95th Academy Awards, the most prestigious films in Hollywood will be...
Good news, gorehounds. Art The Clown is still the most f*cked-up show in town! Damien Leone’s Terrifier 3 is finally here, dumping its Halloween Horror Bloodbath all over your pretty little Christmas decorations. And SPOILER ALERT: It’s super gory, super gross, and loaded top to bottom with I-Can’t-Believe-I-Just-Saw-That moments of pure, unfiltered depravity. Forget about garland,...