The absolutely hilarious mockumentary The Hoard is a comedic collision of reality tv tropes borrowing from the paranormal investigation, self-improvement, and makeover subgenres. Possibly the silliest movie I have seen all year, The Hoard is an absolute laugh out loud riot that so perfectly captures everything you love to hate...
When I saw the trailer for Killer Kate!, I knew it would be my jam. The trailer was tight and full of great shots of good fun. The feature does not disappoint and the only thing that makes me sad is that Killer Kate! didn’t get wider distribution. This movie...
The zombie comedy-musical Anna and The Apocalypse is sure to be your next holiday horror classic. Christmas seems to be the one time of year we can all get behind a good musical, and regardless of how your family feels about zombies, they may just have a hard time telling you to...
Can a gritty crime thriller be both dark and feel-good? Writer/Director Drew Goddard sure thinks so in his swinging ensemble flick Bad Times at the El Royale. A pure delight from start to finish, Bad Times will hit hard at your sweet tooth, but isn’t afraid to swing low and...