Welcome back fiends! Tonight we conclude our journey through the United States by way of its creepiest folklore in a...
You can count on one hand the number of good Bigfoot films there are in existence. This sad fact is...
Welcome to our third entry in the States of Horror series, in which we take you on a spooky road trip through every US state’s local folklore and urban legends. If you haven’t already read the first and second parts of this list, check them out now! We’re halfway through...
A quick heads up: if you haven’t checked out Part One of States of Horror, go ahead and read it...
You know a movie is gonna be good when a naked hippy is impaled by a unicorn in the cold...
March may come in like a lion and go out like a lamb, but rarely is it infected with crawlers from outer space… depending on the definition of the term. In Blumhouse and Hulu’s realm of holiday horror series, Into The Dark, mysterious cryptids of March are not restricted to...
Listen up Folk Horror fans! There’s a new mythic monster in town calling out to you from those dark woods...
“What frame of any film has been more iconic?” asks Forrest Burgess, co-host of the Astonishing Legends podcast. “We all...
It’s important to remember that the cryptid at the center of Kryptic is NOT Bigfoot. It may look like bigfoot, it may live in the same surroundings as Bigfoot, and it may even have some of the same questionably interdimensional qualities as Bigfoot but it is definitely not Bigfoot. And...
The campfire is lit, marshmallows are toasting, and there’s a chill in the air. You and your friends hush to...
Friday nights are made for Frogman. It’s a full-on fun fest of found footage freak-outs, killer creature design & effects,...
The iconic, bipedal cryptid who typically inhabits the Pacific Northwest has somehow made his way to Georgia. That’s what the good people at VICE believe, at least. In The VICE Guide to Bigfoot, a mockumentary that premiered at the Austin Film Festival in 2019, a producer and his frustrated reporter...