Horror films often feature a clear-cut battle between good and evil, with the virtuous protagonist ultimately emerging victorious. However, there...
On March 12, when film enthusiasts gather for the 95th Academy Awards, the most prestigious films in Hollywood will be...
The year was 2005. A generation of horror fans, who had grown up with Wes Craven’s iconic movies such as A Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream, were about to be treated to his latest work: Cursed. A movie that was initially envisioned as a modern-day werewolf epic, and ended...
10 classics of horror streaming free on Tubi now! Take a frightful journey!
Powered by RedCircle DESCRIPTION Join your Holiday Horror hosts Kim & Jon as they close out their creepy Christmas double-feature...
Whether you’re hosting a Friendsgiving, going home for the holidays, or flying solo with a tofurky loaf, there is always a lot of pressure to make your Thanksgiving dinner the best meal of the year. And sometimes that pressure can get to you. So before you start throwing mashed potatoes...
Just like the rest of the world, we too have fallen deeply in love with Stranger Things’ Eddie Munson. The...
Movie streaming services are like restaurants. HBO Max is high-end dining, exclusive haute cuisine worth every penny. Amazon Prime is...
If you are looking for black-gloved killers, unique musical scores, beautiful women, and a hell of a lot of blood- you have come to the right place. Where are you, you might ask? You are in a Giallo realm. A realm we like to call Blood and Black Gloves, a...
DESCRIPTION Join your horror hosts Jon & Kim for a very special edition of Nightmare Alley where they sit down...
DESCRIPTION Join your horror hosts Jon & Kim as they close out their Makeout Massacre double-feature with a cheezy, alien-infested,...
DESCRIPTION: If horror movies have taught us anything it’s that nothing is more dangerous than making out at Lovers’ Lane. Join your horror hosts Jon & Kim on this week’s episode of Nightmare on Film Street as they hoot and holler their way through Fred Dekker’s cult classic Night of...