Ah, the world of B-movies – a delightful realm where absurdity reigns supreme, and “so bad it’s good” is the...
In the glitzy world of film, where box office revenue is the equivalent of high school popularity, some masterpieces are...
Welcome to Camp Nightmare, where we’re about to embark on a wild adventure through the wacky world of campy horror movies. The moon casts an eerie glow on the haunted cabins, and the rustling leaves whisper tales of horror. Gather ’round the campfire, fellow thrill-seekers, as we invite you into...
Step into the wild and wacky world of trashy 80s horror movies, where outrageousness and entertainment go hand in hand....
Ladies and gentlemen, ghouls and ghosts, it’s time to talk about the ladies of the night – the female Vampire!...
Are you looking for horror movies on amazon prime? Don’t worry. We got you. Amazon Prime has definitely streamlined horror movie watching. But with so many options staring you in the face, ‘popping a movie on’ quickly turns into “scrolling to choose a movie to watch for an hour before...
Welcome back to the Nostalgia Pit, your monthly trip down memory lane where we celebrate monsters, masked killers, and creative...
There is no shortage of horror films that center around cults. The word “cult” alone sparks immediate intrigue, and it...
Spanish cult film Arrebato (“Rapture” in English) is re-emerging from the sands of time, thanks to a new 4K restoration from Altered Innocence. The arthouse horror was written and directed by Iván Zulueta in 1979, but is only now getting a theatrical release in the United States. The film explores a love...
Hear me out: every musical genre has a vampire film to match it. Bela Lugosi’s OG Dracula pairs with something...
Barbara Crampton is a name synonymous with some of the biggest cult-hit films like Re-Animator, From Beyond, Chopping Mall, Beyond...
Cult films are so hot right now. Midsommar madness dominated our summer, Quentin Tarantino rewrote the history of the Manson family in Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood, and we all know true crime obsession with cults has gripped the cultural zeitgeist. So how can a film stick out from...