As we eagerly await Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, which explores the life of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer and his involvement in...
RRRRing, rrring! Ah, the sound of an innocent phone call… until it becomes the harbinger of unspeakable terror. Horror films...
Welcome to the mind-bending world of surreal horror movies, where the boundaries of reality are shattered, and nightmares come alive. In this list, we delve into ten captivating films that defy conventions and transport audiences into a realm where dreams and nightmares intertwine. From twisted narratives to mesmerizing visuals, these...
Prepare to embark on a harrowing journey into the depths of psychological thrillers and mind-bending horror. These ten twisted films...
Gaspar Noé is a terribly unique filmmaker. His films have been notorious for decades but despite his infamous stature, his...
If you haven’t read Frank Herbert’s Dune books and you don’t think you’re the target audience for Denis Villeneuve’s Dune, this is the review for you. I don’t like epic stories, I’m not nuts about hard sci-fi/medieval stuff/fantasy, and I’ve been dodging my friends’ constant appeals to read the books for years....
Welcome to Gut the Punks, a monthly dissection of genre films that have a loose connection to punk rock music...
Every time I’ve sat down to watch the psychedelic cinematography of Alejandro Jodorowsky, it has been a life-changing experience. From...
Every year is a good year for horror. That used to just be a nice thing to say but even 2020 managed to deliver the scares despite *motions toward everything*. The release schedule was looking pretty grim earier this year but I’ll be damned if it wasn’t one of the...
While horror has delved into the subconscious waters of our dreams many times before, director Anthony Scott Burns (Our House)...
Though this year’s Fantasia Fest was chock full of the best kind of horror tropes, only a few of them...
Horror has played with depicting the world of dreams before. The most iconic foray into the horrors of our sleeping minds is, of course, A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), with its wonderfully constructed, just slightly off, dream sequences. Countless films have depicted the dreams of characters to build tension,...