While horror has delved into the subconscious waters of our dreams many times before, director Anthony Scott Burns (Our House)...
Two decades ago, a grown adult man like myself would be shamed for consuming as many animated television shows and...
Described as “Monty Python meets The Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets Les Miserables” Chainsaws Were Singing is a truly insane movie for absolutely deranged people. Luckily, that’s you and me, fellow weirdo. And if that’s not you, and you’ve found your way to this film review by some strange twist of fate, be warned: This...
‘What does it sound like when a computer dreams? And what does it sound like when a computer has a...
Electro-Magnetic detectors, readers, and doo-dads have long been touted as tools to capture evidence of the paranormal. (Despite little evidence...
The German possession film Luz celebrated it’s North American premiere July 20, at the the 2018 Fantasia film festival. Writer/Director were welcomed by a sold-out crowd eager to see their fresh take on the possession sub-genre. Luz is an experimental film that follows a young cabdriver on the run from a demonic...
There are few horrors so iconic, so jaw-droppingly terrifying, that they have eclipsed the entire horror genre. Constantly compared, credited,...
Luz is a unique take on the possession sub-genre that has long been waiting for a refresh. I’m a big...
What if the disconnect that exists between you and your online identity became so great, that you lost control of your own existence? If that’s a brand of existential dread you subscribe to then Cam is a movie that may have you rethink some of the personal information you’ve been...
In the new dark comedy Arizona, Danny McBride plays a villain who’s convinced he’s still a good guy, despite a...
Keola Racela’s feature film debut Porno pits a group of innocent Christian teenagers against an evil unleashed in their local movie...
Death metal is dark, intimidating, and foreboding. Ironically enough, Heavy Trip is none of those things. It’s probably the most lighthearted film I saw as part of the 22nd Fantasia International Film Festival, following a garage band of heavy metal outcasts who decide it’s about time they make it big....